What is Gaslighting?

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you were constantly being made to feel crazy, even though you knew deep down that your feelings were justified? If so, then you may have been the victim of gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to make the victim doubt their own perception of reality. Let’s take a closer look at what gaslighting is and why it’s so dangerous.

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting typically occurs in relationships between individuals or groups, where one party attempts to make the other question their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs by purposely distorting or denying reality. This tactic can be used to gain power over the victim and manipulate them into believing something they know isn't true. It's also common for gaslighters to try and isolate their victims from friends and family in order to further control them.

Signs of Gaslighting

It can be difficult to recognize when someone is trying to manipulate you through gaslighting because it usually happens slowly over time. However, there are several signs that may indicate that you are being subjected to this type of psychological abuse. These include:

• Making false accusations or contradicting your memories or experiences

• Undermining your accomplishments or belittling your opinions

• Blaming others for their actions while ignoring yours

• Constant criticism with no constructive feedback

• Isolating you from family and friends

• Refusing to take responsibility for mistakes or bad behavior

If any of these behaviors sound familiar, then it's possible that you are being subjected to gaslighting tactics.

Effects of Gaslighting

The effects of gaslighting can be devastating and can leave victims feeling confused, helpless, and isolated. Victims may start doubting themselves and feeling like they’re “going crazy” – often leading them to become increasingly dependent on the abuser for validation and support. Unfortunately, these feelings of insecurity can linger long after the relationship has ended as victims continue to struggle with trust issues and self-doubt. It is important for victims of gaslighting abuse to seek help from professionals who can provide guidance on how best to deal with the situation and move forward in a positive way.

Gaslighting is a serious form of psychological manipulation that can have devastating effects on its victims. It's important for everyone – especially those who have been in unhealthy relationships – to be aware of the signs that could indicate they are being subjected to this type of abuse so they can get help before things get worse. If you think you might be a victim of gaslighting tactics, it's important not to stay silent – reach out for help immediately!