What is Play Therapy? Exploring Benefits & Techniques for Children

As parents, it can be difficult to watch our children experience a range of emotions. When your child is struggling with difficult emotions, Play Therapy may be a powerful tool to help them process and manage those feelings in a safe space. Let’s explore what Play Therapy is and how it can benefit your child's physical, social, and emotional development.

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that utilizes play as a therapeutic medium for children aged 3-11 years old. It allows children to express themselves through play while working through their issues in a way that they understand best. Through this process, they learn how to better identify and manage their feelings. Often times, play therapy helps them become more confident in expressing themselves openly with others.

Benefits of Play Therapy

The benefits of play therapy are numerous. It has the potential to improve communication skills, problem solving abilities, self-regulation skills, and even academic performance when done correctly by a qualified Play Therapist. Additionally, it helps create positive relationships between parents/guardians and their children as it encourages open communication within each family unit. In order for any child to grow up healthy and happy, having strong communication skills within the family is key!

Play Therapy Techniques & Strategies

There are many techniques used in play therapy but some of the main ones include filial therapy (parent-child relationship building), sand tray therapy (using miniatures to act out stories), art therapy (utilizing art materials like clay or paint), bibliotherapy (using books to explore emotions) , dramatic play (acting out different scenarios) and cognitive behavioral play therapy (to address behavior issues). All these techniques focus on providing a safe space where children will feel comfortable exploring their feelings without judgement or fear of punishment or ridicule. They also provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to support their children as they work through their issues together as one cohesive unit.

At Capturing Serenity we believe that all families should have access to helpful resources such as Play Therapy. We offer both online counseling sessions and in person sessions depending on your needs so you can get the help you need from the comfort of your own home! We believe that every child deserves a safe space where they can explore their emotions without judgement or fear - because only then can they truly learn how to better manage those emotions in a healthy way. If you think your child could benefit from Play Therapy don't hesitate to reach out! Our team would love nothing more than helping you start on this journey towards emotional growth and healing for your entire family!