10 Ways to Connect with Your Baby

Connection with your baby is an important and fulfilling part of being a parent. Here are 10 ways on how to connect, attach and bond with your baby that will help create a strong relationship between you two.


1. Talk to Your Baby – Talking to your baby helps build their language skills as well as strengthens the bond between the two of you. Make sure to talk in a calm voice so that your baby feels safe and secure when you are talking to them. Additionally, use facial expressions, gestures, and body language to clearly communicate with your little one.


2. Read to Your Baby – Reading aloud to your baby allows them to become familiar with stories and different types of literature while allowing them to make connections between reading and communication. Reading also allows for bonding time by providing an opportunity for both of you to share special moments together while introducing new concepts, sounds, words, and ideas into their minds.


3. Sing to Your Baby – Singing not only helps keep babies entertained but it also exposes them to different tones, rhythms, pitch changes and emotions which can stimulate their brain development and enhance their listening skills. It's also great for developing motor skills as babies often move along in response or attempt to clap or sing along!


4. Spend Quality Time with Your Baby – Taking some time away from work or other responsibilities each day is important for connecting with your child on an emotional level as well as teaching them about the world around them. During this quality time share yourself emotionally by expressing love for them through physical touch such as hugs, cuddles or kisses which can help reassure your baby that they are loved unconditionally by you no matter what happens throughout the day.


5. Play Together - Playing games together helps develop socialization skills while deepening the connection between parents and children by providing opportunities for shared laughter which can reduce stress levels in both parties involved. Some great simple games include peekaboo, patty cake or building towers out of blocks which all allow for plenty of laughs whether its over silly mistakes made during playtime or just general silliness!


6. Give Massages – Massages are great way not only relax but also foster trust between parent-child relationships since massaging requires physical contact (which is vital in bonding) while conveying emotions such as love, support & safety through gentle touches.  Plus, massaging has been proven beneficial in reducing stress & promoting relaxation while simultaneously improving muscle tone & circulation.   


7. Share Special Moments - Sharing special moments is essential in forming bonds between parent & child because it gives each person involved an opportunity to express their feelings without worrying about what another might think- plus it’s always fun taking pictures or videos recounting funny stories from earlier times spent together! 


8. Participate in Activities Together - Once you find out what your baby or toddler is showing interest in find creative ways to bring these interests into outings or activities. Sharing in these activities together allows us parents & kids alike experience new things we may not have otherwise participated in. An example may be your baby or toddler having a love for animals, so planning a trip to the zoo together is a great way to share in this interest.


9. Show Affection - Showing affection doesn’t mean simply saying “I love you" but rather showing that through physical contact such cuddling, hugging, kissing, holding hands etc. This type of affection reassures our children that we care deeply about them. In addition, it also releases the hormone oxytocin which promotes bonding.  


10. Listen To Them - “Listening” isn’t just referring to talking but also body language, gestures, noises and facial expressions.  Listening attentively shows our children that we value what they are working to communicate no matter how big, small trivial, or serious the topic may be. Listening allows a strengthening of the bond and communicates that they are seen and what they are working to communicate is important to us.


Building a strong connection with your baby takes time but is essential for creating healthy parent/child relationships down the line. There are many effective ways build these connections to ensure both yourself and child feel understood, loved, appreciated, and ultimately connected!